Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Gotta Dash ... things happening

"... Well... four things. Well... four things and a lizard." This memorable quote from the Doctor in the Blink episode sums up pretty well my feelings about Alterac Valley. The strategy for taking Alterac keeps time warping, seemingly depending on which shift is on and what day of the week it is. I have seen just about everything lately. I have seen the now obsolete strategy of holding SHGY, yes I know I made a big thing about it but with 2.4 patch it is obsolete. I keep seeing people take IBGY, and man that makes it hard to win. Taking down Galv is a good thing but it has to be timed right. Doing him first when everyone is riding past seems simple enough to do but no. No people. No. Take him out by all means but let the groups who defend Iceblood Tower and Tower Point do it once the towers are gone. Let the Horde have IBGY otherwise they get in the way of taking FWGY and Relief Hut. The latest strategy is about speed. Strategic points must be taken and taken quickly. See previous posting about the details.

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