Monday, January 28, 2008

Battleground Madness

When I first started playing WOW I spurned battlegrounds and PVP. I had no idea, and quite possibly still don't, however now I enjoy battlegrounds. This blog is simply an outlet for letting people know what I experience, the strategies that I believe will work, and observations that I have made.

Since discovering that PVP is fun and frustration all rolled into one, it has become a little obsessive for me. I am not on a PVP server, because that would be more frustration than fun, and it is my understanding that Horde outnumber Alliance in these worlds. It is not PVP per se that thrills me its the Battlegrounds themselves and what it takes to win a battleground. Out in the big wide PVE world there is plenty to do and its hard enough without having bloody Horde pouncing on you whenever you go out to achieve something.

No, it's a madness totally to do with getting into a battelground with a group of others and defeating the opposition (read effing Horde). I suppose if I wanted to win a lot I should have taken up a Horde character, so the challenge for me is to get a character to Conqueror in the Alliance. That is my battleground madness, I want a Conqueror.

For those of you who don't know, a Conqueror of the battlegrounds has to achieve Exalted reputation status with each of the three Azeroth battleground factions. The Silverwing Sentinels (Warsong Gulch), The League of Arathor (Arathi Basin) and The Stormpike Guard (Alterac Valley).

That is my goal and along the way I shall tell you how it goes.