Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Elite Player

This is a short Arathi Basin tale of something unusual that I saw. I was outclassed being level 44 in an Arathi Basin however there is always some way to contribute positively. For me the contribution was as fodder for the Horde. Distract them, annoy them, slow them down - it still takes time to kill a Paladin. Heh heh.

We had lost the Stables, which makes you want to cuss, and we were about to lose the game; there was probably 40 seconds remaining before the Horde realised 2000 pts. I headed out of the gates at Trollbane Hall and feinted towards the Gold Mine but what I really wanted was a last hit at the Horde defending the stables. As I was approaching the horse yard another Alliance character came up on my left. I don't remember why but I clicked on them. I vaguely remember that I might have wanted to whisper them for a co-ordinated attack. I didn't do that in the end, their icon was surrounded by a silver dragon. It was an elite player. The only thing I know is that they were not from Khaz'goroth. Game over and they disappeared of course.

Since then I have been trying to work out how I can get an elite player. There is nothing on the web about it. They may have been a Blizzard employee. I have an idea that there must be something special available to players who take the trouble to get Exalted with all the core factions. Much more than just being able to get an epic mount from an alternative faction.

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